59% promotion investment has not been executed
LENZTECH is commited to become the game changer of image recognition technology in retail industry, leveraging with crowdsourcing platform.
China retail industry stepped into“data-driven” era 4.0--CPG companies
are bound to leverage comprehensive intelligence of consumers, goods, place for strategic planning
59% promotion investment has not been executed
30% hero SKU did not distributed on shelf
40% promotors were not on duty
Beijing head office address:5/F Jinglong Plaza, No.225 Chaoyang North road,_Chaoyang district,Beijing,P.R.C
Beijing head office hotline:021-63462530
Shanghai commercial center address:Room 2213-19, 22F, No. 333 Huaihaizhong Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai ,P.R.C
Shanghai head office hotline:021-63462530